[efcb-section-samplepage hero_image=”” title=”Registration for the Elmbrook – Lake Country Campus” subtitle=”Tickets for the 2020 conference will go on sale: Saturday, 11/9/19 at 8:00AM CT Tickets will be $40 each” background_color=”” title_font_color=”” subtitle_font_color=”” title_font_size=”” subtitle_font_size=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][content]
As of Fri, 1/31 at 1:00pm CT tickets are no longer available online. Tickets are still available at the Lake Country Campus on the day of event. Cash, Check or Charge.
Cost is only $40.00 per attendee.
Tickets will go on-sale on November 9th at 8:00AM CT on this website.
Registration fee includes: lunch, seminars, and general sessions.
All seating (general sessions and seminars) is unreserved.
Registration fee is not refundable but is transferable.
Groups – we do not need registration information from each attendee in your group.